I was privileged to be a part of something wonderful last Saturday. My friend, Tasha Valdez, a fellow Close To My Heart consultant and owner of the Rabbit Hill Ranch Retreat home in Fallbrook, California, conducted a fund raiser at the ranch for Wives of War (W.O.W.) A non-profit group helping women who are dealing with their spouse's after effects of war like PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder) and TBI (Traumatic Brain Injury). There were several speakers including Nico Marcolongo who showed a clip from Sesame Street where he shared his story with Elmo, Queen Latifa and John Mayer. I love the lyrics to John Mayers song "Say What you Need to Say". I've added Mr. Mayers song to my repertoire. Music is so powerful and it was an honor to create some ambiance for the event and put my Music Therapy degree into practice choosing the appropriate music to set the tone.
I didn't have access to the exact clip that was shared, but this is a piece of what took place that day during the filming...very touching. Nico was present to support W.O.W. and brought his trained certified companion dog who also helps victims of war.
Part of this fund raiser was to raise funds for the Wives of War to have some retreat time to re-charge and share with others that have been through the same life changes and challenges. A safe place to interact and get support.
Thank you Tasha, Cindy (her Mom did an amazing job on the decor and food) and her lovely family.
Our next team meeting will be held here in April!
If you are on my Close To My Heart team or want info about it please visit:
Thank you Bren. You are amazing. I can't wait to have everyone at Rabbit Hill Ranch. We are going to have so much fun!