Happy New Year!
We have NEW goodies for you and am excited to join in on another Simply Inspired Blog Hop!
If you just hopped over from the ever so talented Krista's blog, then you are right on track!
We have a new supplement "Seasonal Expressions 1" brimming with goodies! Here is a fun card using the new "Regatta" collection!
Living in San Diego, this new paper is a hit!
(I can see the top of boats from my home! Lucky me!)
So here ya go..sweet, simple and fun!
Living in San Diego, this new paper is a hit!
So here ya go..sweet, simple and fun!
Now hop on over to the amazing Debbi's blog for your next inspiration!
If you get lost along the way, you can always regroup at Dana's blog for the list of hoppers!
If ya want to see more goodness, just click on me below!