Welcome back friends! It's Blog Hop time!!!
How can it be spring already?
Take a look at all the fun new goodness!
If you just hopped over from the ever so talented Lisa Stenz's blog, then you are right on track!
I have been admiring the cute new hostess reward set called Paper Bird C1613
So...Close To My Heart to the rescue. My house is torn apart for the carpet cleaners, I am leaving for a 3 day crop tomorrow, far from home as their CTMH vendor and needless to say I am frazzled. I just stared at this darling set with no time for my juju to kick in. SOooo I remembered the cute new Workshop on the go card set and I used their basic look for my card only adding the paper bird and sentiment from the set! Whew...I like it.
Sorry this is short and sweet but...a girls gotta do what a girls gotta do...happy hopping!
Now hop on over to the amazing Lynn Como's blog for your next inspiration!
If you get lost along the way, you can always regroup at Dana's blog for the list of hoppers!